Top 10k strings from Sinclair Classic - Issue 10 (1995)(Sinclair Classic)(128k)(Part 2 of 2).z80 in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Magazines / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Magazines - [Z80] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /

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   1 {kS__g{{trH
   1 {kS__g__Sk
   1 ws you to scan any part of the 48k memory"'"from 23296-65535 to find a font. The program automatically roots out a font when the button is pressed but it also"'"allows user control. You get a display of the entire char set when the correct address has been found. Options include"'"fast/slow search of memory, save font to tape and return"'"to program."
   1 load d1"sc#10b"
   1 jfnfjl|z|ljfnfjzzfnnmrH
   1 jUjUjUjUjUjUjUjUjUjU
   1 ial"'"(2)  Classic Software
   1 Y`]`N`N`D`
   1 X0hPP8PxppPXpp
   1 SSUE 10 - PART 1"
   1 OR z$>"7" THEN GO TO 70
   1 LS : LET g= FN u(9001,0,0,0
   1 Diary"'"(6)  PC Fumblings"'
   1 AT 70,0;"{L9882 (1)  Editor
   1 AT 17,111;"{L9883 THE FREE 
   1 ;"{L9888 send your programming problems to Technophobia, c/o"'"2 belvoir rd, nottingham ng2 5dl and our jc will strive"'"to make your world a better place to live. you better"'"had anyway as he costs us `75 per hour just to keep"'"him in lager and peanuts."''"the two program files following this fanzine are:"'"tutor and turbo"
   1 ;"{L9885 ZX Spectrum Support Scene"
   1 ;"{L9885 Utility Heaven";
   1 ;"{L9885 The Feature";
   1 ;"{L9885 Technophobia";
   1 ;"{L9885 Pinboard  Free Ads"
   1 ;"{L9884 with Andy Davis"
   1 ;"{L9884 Cover-mount Politics"
   1 ;"{L9884 Compile your BASIC"
   1 ;"{L9882 SPECTRUM SOFTWARE. Send SAE for massive list:"'"Alan, 18 West St, Geddington, Northants NN14 1BD."''"SINCLAIR/C64 EMULATORS. ZX supports CGA-VGA (8086 min), Soundblaster. Both include BASIC and 3 top games. `5 each. DM Computing, The Beeches, Burrington Dr, Crediton, Devon EX17 1AU."''"QUANTA - Independent QL Users Group. Further"'"details: Bill Newell, 213 Manor Rd, Benfleet, Essex SS7 4JD."''"FONDLE MY SPECCY BIG BOY - TEL: 0891 400 300":
   1 ;"{L9882 (1)  Classic Software"'"(2)  The Feature"'"(3)  Pinboard"'"(4)  Utility Heaven"'"(5)  Support Scene"'"(6)  Technophobia"'"(7)  LOAD Freebie";
   1 ;"{L9881 We've all done it. Whether as a serious effort to break into the software industry, an attempt to learn something or"'"just a bit of fun; most Spectrum owners have, at some"'"stage, tried to write a computer game. Unfortunately, the"'"consequences are usually pretty awful."
   1 ;"{L9881 The mighty force of Ritman and Drummond return to the"'"bum-licking pages of SC in fine style with possibly the best"'"3D Isometric Arcade Adventure thing ever created. Not"'"content with the Match Day series, they saw fit to write"'"even more classic software to thrill us all during that balmy year of '87."
   1 ;"{L9881 In order to correspond with Daves"'"new Multiface, I thought I'd take a"'"look at some MF utilities which enhance this handy piece of hardware. Incidentally, I'm writing this at 4am on Xmas Eve - who says I'm not dedicated!"
   1 ;"{L9881 I was a bit upset when the last High"'"street Speccy mag was shelved. It's"'"clear that magazines can and do"'"exsist on less than YS's readership"'"figures, but with no major advertiser"'"behind the title, Future obviously just"'"cut their losses and ran. Apart from"'"Linda Barkers smile, I do miss those"'"covertapes. There is no such thing as"'"a 'free' covermount. The cost of materials and royalty fees to programmers (however nominal) all cost hard cash- added"'"of course to the cover price."
   1 ;"{L9881 As we march into 1995 many people don't realise that the"'"Speccy is still flourishing on the underground scene. In truth nothing really dies out completely, enthusiasts will always"'"devote spare time to keeping their cherished things chugging along. At a recent New Years Eve party here at SC towers, a constant stream of people fought with each other to be"'"next in line to play Xeno. Oh yes we got stupid comments"'"from the headless sheep but then you get them everywhere."
   1 ;"your little blokes... somewhere.":
   1 ;"the obstacles and puzzles to re-unite";
   1 ;"program oozes class. You";
   1 ;"program in BASIC, then have it converted into M/C auto-"'"matically. Well, believe it or not, you can. All you need is a BASIC compiler."
   1 ;"or M/C routines stored inside REM statements will be lost - this is how SC stores all the graphics used in each issue, so you won't be able to compile the best tapezine around!"
   1 ;"icing on the cake. This";
   1 ;"high and the other can";
   1 ;"glide through the air (in a";
   1 ;"for TURBO COMPILER":
   1 ;"downward direction that is...)"
   1 ;"creatures; one jumps quite";
   1 ;"bastard thing still confuses me to this day.";
   1 ;"are in control of two cute";
   1 ;"adds another slice of style to put";
   1 ;"You'll be hard pressed to find these early tapes second-"'"hand without bloody great rips across the label. And then"'"things started getting serious; circulation war time!"
   1 ;"You may note that the most popular MF programs GENIE"'"and LIFEGUARD are not mentioned. This is because they are not available from me, but from Romantic Robot. Alchnews"'"readers get an exclusive bargin discount price which is not"'"valid anywhere else! We start with one of my personal"'"favourites, FONT FIND. This was the first MF resident"'"utility I was given for Alchemist PD by my Micronet colleague":
   1 ;"With just the cassettes at hand aquired from boot fairs,"'"it's been fun to play the games, wonder what keys do what and then lose badly- usually in that order.":
   1 ;"This in fact turned out to be a very positive move, we were offered more in the way of utilities, PD demos from the"'"continent and yet more readers programs. A.Remic thrilled us all with his 'use the same code and graphics' lark for each"'"title, Peking had us all hooked and SC's very own J.Cauldwell delivered several slabs of slick addictive fun. Egghead rules!"
   1 ;"The way each option screen"'"is cleared";
   1 ;"The two main PD libraries in the UK will continue to be a"'"very important focus for us all; where we all swap programs and thrive with new ideas and direction. Please don't take"'"sides during this prolonged war of words between them. It's clear there is a clash of personalities going on and there"'"seems no easy answer. The reality is, they are there to make life easier for us, they are there to serve us; use them both and enjoy the scene in a positive way."
   1 ;"The program has alot of functions, including ways to find hidden and 'protected' song files. The only draw-"'"backs are that it saves to tape or +3 disk only and it only saves the compiled song, so you cannot reload it back into":
   1 ;"The problem is that your average Spectrum owner knows as much about programming as most Manchester United"'"supporters know about football - not a lot. Knowing a"'"little bit of BASIC is usually the limit. As we all well know,"'"Sinclair BASIC isn't very fast. The only other option is to"'"write your program in machine code, and that can be very"'"difficult indeed. How much easier it would be to write a":
   1 ;"The graphics are"'"excellent and breath-"'"taking; alot of"'"hours was put"'"into this game."'"The thing is,"'"the gameplay"'"is so absorbing"'"you'll be for-"'"given if you"'"don't notice"'"them on your"'"first few plays."'"Yes it's one of those"'"'the solution is staring you"'"in the face' type games; annoying"'"but a sheer pleasure nonetheless. The 128 music and sound"'"effects again supply that extra 10% of quality so often"'"forgotten from the vast majority of similar programs."
   1 ;"The aim of the game is to overcome";
   1 ;"The UK PD demo scene is thriving at the moment. More"'"coding groups are springing up all the time, growing and"'"developing with every release (look out for CLIFFY T from"'"the North-East). The days of megademos from the likes of"'"ESD and PENTAGRAM may be gone forever but with names"'"too numerous to mention, demos are still being released and devoured by the faithful. Just ask Martyn or Andy about"'"the new stuff they are getting."
   1 ;"TEXTSEARCH is very much the same type of program as"'"above, but lets you find text in memory and alter it. This"'"could be useful for people who don't own GENIE, which has a similar function. ST-RIPPER (Stripper?) is from our very"'"own Dominic Morris, the genius behind Alchnews shell, Grape-"'"viney shell, Sinclair News shell, SLOWDOS and countless"'"other masterpieces. Search through 48 or 128k RAM for"'"SOUNDTRACKER files and extract, play or generally mess"'"with them."
   1 ;"So what's the catch? Well, no compiler will compile every"'"program as not all keywords and functions are recognised. Many of them won't allow you to have arrays or string"'"variables, and some limit you to single letter variable names. What's more, most won't let you run your compiled program"'"unless the compiler is present in memory at the same time."'"This means that in order to distribute your compiled"'"program the compiler must be copied too, almost certainly"'"infringing copyright."
   1 ;"SPECTRUM CLUB (Software hire). 2000 titles, return postage paid. SAE to Softsell, 32 Dursley Rd,"'"Trowbridge, BA14 0NP."''"SPECTRUM TAPES. 16 pages of tapes. SAE, Darren,"'"720 High Rd, Leytonstone London E11 3NN."''"LOADING SCREENS custom designed FREE! Files on"'"+D/tape, full colour. Send media and details to"'"Paul, 36 Budges Rd, Wokingham, Berkshire RG11 1PJ"''"CF2 BLANK DISKS for +3. Each 10= `1.10, 100= `1.00, 250= `0.95 (plus VAT at 17.5%). Dabhand Computing, 5 Victoria Lane, Manchester M45 6BL."
   1 ;"SOUNDTRACKER. But, it's very useful nonetheless."''"MULTISTORE is a fantastic utility from Miles Kinloch and is NOT PD. It allows you to use the 8k of memory in the MF"'"to store upto 7k of Basic, Code or a Screen$, instantly"'"recalled by simply pressing the button. FUSSLOAD is another non-PD program, available from Alchemist PD. It improves"'"the tape saving facillity of the MF and allows a variety of"'"methods, including Turboload."
   1 ;"OUTLET is still over-priced and tragically on the wane."'"When will people realise you can't make money out of the"'"Spectrum anymore. It's 1995, not 1984.":
   1 ;"Load this bastard up now; you'll start to wonder why you"'"ever reset your Speccy from the last time.   (Amanda)"
   1 ;"If you fancy having a go with a compiler, you'll find one at the end of the fanzine. It's not particularly sophisticated,"'"but at least the code it produces doesn't need the compiler"'"in memory at the same time for it to run. Try it - maybe"'"you could be the next Pete Cooke... (Jonathan Cauldwell)"
   1 ;"ISSUE 10  PART 2"
   1 ;"I've recently joined the Specci Profi Club, run by the lovely"'"Wolfgang and Moniker from Koln, Germany. Their enthusiasm excites me and the list of demos they offer excites me even"'"more! A good few blank C60's will continue to fly Airmail I"'"can tell you!"''"Thomas Eberle holds regular Speccy meetings in Filderstadt - I should very much like to get to one of those
   1 ;"I was very pleased to see CRASHED fanzine coming into"'"exsistance. It is a superb read for `1, as is FISH. Both"'"written from the heart and gushing with honesty. Prisms PD POWER gets better with every issue, ALCHNEWS gets ever"'"longer and SPECTRUM UK continue to blunder from one"'"cock-up to the next. But we love you still; you boast about yourselves until our ears go numb and then you go and put your great smelly feet in it all over again. Less self praise"'"and more fact-checking before you publish please."
   1 ;"I maybe gushing a bit here and I may cringe when I read this back, but 95 is going to be a really good year, I can feel it"'"in my throbbing white-hot Z80.    (Amanda)"
   1 ;"Good value for money though! Four to seven-ish programs"'"on one tape for about 50p. Terribly collectable too seeing as they come with all those lovely dates and numbers on the"'"spines - a dweeby gap fillers dream! (Yes, I am one). I was"'"lucky enough to be able to afford all three mags every"'"month but due to a lay-off in Speccy life-style I don't have much in the way of pre 1991. Anyone got a mag collection"'"taking up valuable space in the attic?"
   1 ;"Finally we take a quick look at SPRITER which is similar to"'"FONT FIND. When the magic button is pressed you are in a semi-art studio environment where you can alter window sizeand search for screens, graphics, fonts, sprites and much"'"more. It allows you to save and load any parts you wish so it is extremely simple to remove a character like Jet Set Willy, 'alter' him a little and replace him back in the game! Other"'"little gadgets make disassembly of game graphics extremely"'"simple and interesting."
   1 ;"FREE GAMES! Send `1 to cover postage for 8-pack"'"of un-boxed (original) cassettes. To SC Address."
   1 ;"Crash went out in a blaze of glory, full colour mag on plush paper until it was swallowed up by SU (surely it would have been better the other way round). SU itself went out with a whine, cassettes returning to coverless stuck-ons (they must have searched for ages to find the cheapest naffest blanks). The last YS didn't have one at all but that's life I guess - a poke in the eye with a shitty stick. And didn't Linda look ill.."
   1 ;"Compilers are very clever programs that convert a program written in one language, into another. Machine code runs"'"much faster - speed increases vary considerably depending"'"on the compiler used and the application being compiled, but usually run between 5 and 100 times faster than the original BASIC program."
   1 ;"At first, cassettes came sello-"'"taped to the mags with no library box or printed inlay.":
   1 ;"Antony 'pervy' Purvis who certainly knew his stuff! This"'"program allo
   1 ;"Another point worth mentioning is that any graphics data":
   1 ;"And what do we get? A fair held by FORMAT; Bob the"'"Bench's hench-men, striving to sell us one of their fucking"'"Coupes as if their lives depended on it. I've always felt the"'"whole FORMAT organization is geared to making money over any other reason for exsisting. That leaves a very sour"'"taste in this mouth. They really shouldn't promote them-"'"selves as supporting the Speccy when they obviously don't"'"give a toss about it. It gives me no pleasure slagging any-"'"thing to do with Spectrum support."
   1 ;"All three mags started packing the cassettes in a more pro manner (apart from SU's awful designs!). More and more"'"software was packed onto each tape; classic games, naff"'"games, demo versions of new releases and some ropey 'bed-"'"room' generated games. I tried to ignore the Poke sections; were we really interested in the Pokers social lives? Software pigs ELSPA stepped in to limit the amount of games per"'"tape and then things started getting interesting!"
   1 ;"A familiar front-end style greets you as you choose your"'"game options; the";
   1 ;"(See Alchnews issues 13+14 for excellent MF tips/deals etc. I got my MF for `22 thanks to Alchy! Top one my son. Dave)"
   1 70 LET z$= INKEY$ : IF z$<"1" 
   1 7/mmnwg__VfvfV6>^>6Vfvf@>
   1 60 PRINT #4; BRIGHT 1; INK 3; 
   1 55 PRINT #4; INK 7; AT 86,0;"I
   1 50 BORDER 0: PAPER 0: INK 7: C
   1 5$5;5;5;5;5;5;5
   1 40 PRINT #4;"{L9884"
   1 30 DEF FN u(l,x,y,a)=9905 AND 
   1 23638-82":
   1 23637+256*
   1 20 GO SUB 9890: RANDOMIZE 9900
   1 10 REM SC#10.A
   1 0sXjjBJGx:PSX
   1 0HNHXx~~xx
   1 0-5;5;5;5;5;5;5
   1 #^#V###~#N#F
   1 "(7)  Load part 2"; INK 6; 
   1 "'"(3)  World Records"'"(4)
   1  AND USR ua
   1   FPDS News"'"(5)  Amandas